Medicines Management Training 2024 (NWAS STAFF)

NWAS issued a clinical bulletin on 2nd July 2024 entitled “Training requirements for medicines management including PGDs” .  This states the medicines e-learning modules that need completion and why (CI1038 – Training requirements for medicines management, including PGDs – NWAS Green Room).  This mandatory training is designed to keep you and your patients safe. If it is not completed, you will not be able to administer the medicines.


You can access the e-learning modules via the links below and they need to be completed in MyESR by the end of September 2024 at the latest.

242 NWAS Online – PGD – General knowledge V2

242 NWAS Online – PGD – Co-Amoxiclav Version 2

242 NWAS Online – PGD – Misoprostol Tablets Version 3

242 NWAS Online – PGD – Tranexamic Acid – Version 6

242 NWAS Online – Medicines on SafeCheck & CD Key version 1


How to access the new/updated PGD documents

  • The new/updated PGDs do not go live until October.
  • The actual PGD documents can ONLY be accessed on the Green Room and are in the training table via this link – Patient group directions (PGDs) – NWAS Green Room. Scroll down the page on this link to reach the PGDs in the training table.
  • To complete the training, paramedics will need access to these documents.
  • Once the PGDs are live and in use, they will be available in the JRCALC app.

This training forms part of the agreed mandatory training modules for 2024/25 and the time required to complete them is included in the overall release you will receive for your mandatory training this year.  You will not be able to use the updated PGD until it goes live on 1 October 2024 even if you have completed your training and been signed off.


For paramedics new to NWAS between now and 1st October 2024:

Staff who start to work for NWAS from now MUST complete the below version of the modules as stated below to be able to operate under the current live PGD (available on JRCALC).  These staff MUST then also complete the above highlighted modules, near to Oct 2024, to be able to operate using the new PGD as of 1st Oct 2024.  The current version of the PGDs will be removed from circulation as of 1st Oct 2024 (see those titles below).


242 NWAS Online – PGD – Co-Amoxiclav

242 NWAS Online – PGD – Misoprostol Tablets – Version 2 – Feb 2024

242 NWAS Online – PGD – Tranexamic Acid – Version 2 – Dec 2023


As stated in the bulletin, staff who start to work for NWAS from this date forward MUST also complete the below version of the e-learning training pack for morphine tablets.

242 NWAS Medicines – Medicines Protocol – Morphine Orodispersible Tablets – V2


This table summarises who needs to complete what training between 1st July 2024 and 30th Sept 2024.

Training module on MyESR Staff required to complete
Paramedic* EMT UEC AP
242 NWAS – General PGD Knowledge Version 2 Yes No Yes
242 NWAS – PGD – Co-Amoxiclav Version 2 Yes No No
242 NWAS – PGD – Misoprostol Version 3 Yes No No
242 NWAS – PGD – Tranexamic Acid Version 6 Yes No No
242 NWAS – Medicines on SafeCheck & CD Keys Version 1 Yes Yes Yes
Morphine orodispersible tablets – Version 2 NEW staff only

Paramedics who are new to NWAS since the launch of orodispersible morphine in November 2023 need to complete this module.  Other staff need to just note the update below.

No No

*Paramedics working solely as UEC-AP need only complete the training in the UEC-AP column


For more information:

Contact a member of the medicines team at


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