FAQs from the Learning & Organisational Development (L&OD) Team

Q: What services are offered for interview techniques?
A: The L&OD team offers bespoke advice on interview techniques, tips, and advice on how to perform. We also provide support sessions such as “Acing an Interview” and “Application Support – Getting it Right!” Please email Learning&OD@nwas.nhs.uk to request a 1-1 meeting with one of the L&OD managers or to book a support session.

Q: What CPD offers are available to staff?
A: Please visit the CPD and Learning Hub to see all CPD queries and learning opportunities available to staff.

Q: What HR masterclasses are available?
A: For advice and information on HR Masterclasses, please email Corporate.HR@nwas.nhs.uk.

Q: Do we offer anything for managing difficult conversations?
A: The Northwest Leadership Academy offers “Handling Challenging Conversations,” which can be booked here. For additional support, consider chatting with one of our L&OD managers.

Q: I would like to have more information on how to use Excel, MS Teams, and other Microsoft office software.
A: Microsoft has created multiple resources for all their software, including Excel, Word, Publisher, and Microsoft Teams. Visit Microsoft 365 Training for more information. The Digital Training team can help with bespoke requests; email them at digital.training@nwas.nhs.uk. Additionally, the NHS IT Skills Pathway is available here.

Q: I would like to try shadowing for a job role and spend the day with someone to see if the role fits my expectations.
A: We offer shadowing opportunities. This can be arranged with your manager in partnership with the L&OD Team.

Q: I would like to know more about report writing.
A: NHS Providers offer seminars on report writing. Please note this is a chargeable course. Visit NHS Providers for more details.

Q: I would like further information on appraisals.
A: Visit the Green Room for information on the appraisal process and supervisor self service.

Q: I would like further information on coaching.
A: Watch this short video on Coaching and Mentoring. We also have a Coaching Conversations workshop, which can be booked via MyESR. For booking help, see Booking a course.

Q: I would like to do more self-reflection.
A: Complete the Be Think Do self-assessment. For more information on MBTI workshops, contact Learning&OD@nwas.nhs.uk.

Q: I need more support from my manager to learn and develop.
A: Email Learning&OD@nwas.nhs.uk for a 1-1 conversation to understand your learning/support needs and find positive solutions. Access our Career Development tools via the CPD & Learning Hub.

Q: I would like to know what courses would help build my management skills.
A: Watch this short video on the CPD & Learning Hub: Management and Leadership. For more information, see our Learning and Development Offer.

Q: I would like to join some learning courses or go onto an L&OD workshop.
A: Speak to your manager about attending our L&OD workshops. Discuss any learning opportunities with your manager, who will support you in finding time for them. For further information, contact us at Learning&OD@nwas.nhs.uk. See our Learning and Development Offer.

Q: I want to apply for an external course or funding. How do I do this?
A: Fill out the CPD request form and send it to cpd@nwas.nhs.uk.

Q: What other resources are available to me?
A: There are many resources available. Visit our CPD & Learning Hub for more information.

For specific role-related guidance, contact talentfor.care@nwas.nhs.uk.

For CPD funding information, contact cpd@nwas.nhs.uk.

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