
This educational E-Learning session has been developed by the NWAS Maternity Team.

This session focuses on newborn resuscitation / premature babies in the community setting. Whilst we have attempted to cover all nuanced aspects of care in the pre-hospital setting, we acknowledge that you may often be delivering care in a complex situation and management will be context dependant.

This session follows the Resuscitation Council [UK] (2021) guidelines and JRCALC guidance regarding Newborn Transition and Newborn Life Support (NLS) but acknowledges limitations, offering some practical suggestions / advice / visuals to support evidence-based practice.

Please refer to the JRCALC PLUS App (NWAS) to access the most up to date guidelines.

Aims and Objectives:

  • Review the normal mechanisms of labour (optional)
  • Explore the fetal circulation
  • Explore Newborn Transition
  • Examine how to support Newborn Transition
  • When to start the Newborn Life Support Algorithm
  • Revisit tips and hints to NLS
  • Care of Premature babies
  • Test your knowledge
  • Evaluate the session and provide feedback

Authors / contributors to this session include:

-Susan Rhind, Paramedic NWAS / Paramedic Senior Lecturer University of Cumbria
-Dr Stephanie Heys, Consultant Midwife, NWAS
-Rachael Torrance, Paramedic NWAS / Midwife
-Aimee Yarrington, Paramedic / Midwife WMAS
-Joe Tunn, Advanced Paramedic, NWAS

Peer reviewed by:

-Vinny Romano, Consultant Paramedic for Education, NWAS
-Val Cochrane, Community Specialist Paramedic, NWAS
-James Yates, Specialist Paramedic – Critical Care GWAAC, Advanced Paramedic – Neonatal Emergency Stabilisation and Transfer Team, Deputy Chair for RCUK Prehospital NLS Steering Committee

Should you have any questions relating to the content of this session please contact the Maternity Team on