Day 2 AM Presentations

This page contains presentations from the day 2 AM session of the leadership review induction. Scroll down to view, or click any from the list below to jump to that presentation.


After Action Review

An After Action Review (AAR) is a qualitative review of actions taken to respond to a real event as a means of identifying best practices, lessons and gaps in response. This presentation talks about relying primarily on the personal experience and perceptions of individuals involved in the response to assess what worked and what did not, why and how to improve.



Supporting Neurodiverse Colleagues 

These slides introduce ongoing work being done across the Trust to support for neurodivergent colleagues. This includes a brief overview of commonly encountered neurodivergent conditions, focusing on potential barriers, along with acknowledgement of strengths. The revised policy in place for supporting neurodivergent colleagues, includes reasonable adjustments and ways of working conversations and what external help is required should this prove necessary. There us further support and training in this area that is available via the L&OD team, the CPD Hub and the Green Room.  


Introduction to Finance

Finance 101 is a general overview of the finances for NWAS. We look at where our money comes from, where it goes and how we report it. The aim of the presentation is to give attendees a starting level of understanding of the hows and whys of the finance function and how it relates to their roles with NWAS



This presentation covers information on the different modules within Aspirer, and their current stage of development. It focuses on discussing the practicalities of a digital clinical contact shift platform.