CMI Level 5 Certificate in Professional Coaching Practice

The CMI Level 5 Professional Coaching Practice program is designed to enhance your coaching skills and effectiveness. This program equips you with the knowledge and ability needed to meet the diverse needs of coachees in a real working environment.

You are required to attend:

  • One introduction session (1hr)
  • Two in-person Workshops (all day)

Following the workshop attendance, you will then be set your assessment:

  • Plan and deliver a minimum of 2 coaching contracts (min 6, 1 hour coaching sessions per coachee)
  • Write a 1500 word (approx.) reflection on your coaching (one per coachee – total approx. 3000 words)
  • Write a 500 word (approx.) professional development plan for you to improve your coaching

Please note, upon completion, you will:

  • Join the NWLA as a coach to keep up your practice

Contribute at least 18 hours coaching each financial year back into the organisation.

Express your interest in the Level 5 CMI Professional Coaching Practice qualification where you will learn coaching skills to help you become an NWAS coach here.