Civility Saves Lives
This workshop draws on the principles of NWAS policies/procedures/campaigns (eg. Dignity at Work and Freedom to Speak Up), along with our NWAS Values, to shine a light on the importance of civility in the workplace.
The course overview can be found at the bottom of this page.
Recommended Learning
To prepare you for this module, we recommend watching the series of five videos created by NHS England using the lived experiences and verbatim words of 50 North West Health & Care Colleagues to highlight the inappropriate behaviours seen and heard in our workplaces and ‘how’ we can learn to deal with them in the moment.
Each scenario focusses on ‘how’ individuals can deal with inappropriate behaviours from the perspective of:
• The witness,
• The first listener,
• The victim,
• The line manager,
• The perpetrator.
Content Warning: The content in these videos highlight themes of inappropriate and bullying behaviours which may trigger emotional reactions.
Scenario 1 – Ripples
Ripples focusses on the learning for the perpetrator. The scenario is set in an NHS hospital setting.
Scenario 2 – The First Listener
The first listener focusses on the learning for a first listener (i.e. the person someone experiencing inappropriate behaviour/bullying opens up too). This scenario is set in GP surgery.
Scenario 3 – Witness
Witness focusses on the learning for anyone witnessing inappropriate or bullying behaviour. This scenario is set within the ambulance sector.
Scenario 4 – Don’t Take It Personally
Don’t take it personally focusses on the learning for someone experiencing inappropriate behaviour/bullying. This scenario is set in a community care home.
Scenario 5 – Mirrors
Mirrors focusses on the learning for line managers and highlights the inappropriate behaviours that continue to exist in our workplaces.
Course Overview