What are they? They are a network of people coming together to share and learn. Anyone can join. It’s a great opportunity to expand your personal NWAS network. There is a different theme each month, drawn from conversations on the Making a Difference workshops and with staff trust-wide.


What communities are there?

  • Sexual safety in the workplace
  • Positive action for inclusion
  • Sickness absence
  • Improvement to make a difference (Quality Improvement)
  • Conflict management
  • Supporting neurodiverse employees with additional workplace needs
  • Managing big or small change
  • Coaching reflection
  • Values-based decision-making and ethical leadership – doing the right thing
  • Influence and negotiation


What will happen on a community of learning? The facilitator will provide a brief introduction to the theme which will lead into a flexible and free-flowing conversation in a safe space for an hour.


What should I do to prepare? Have a think about questions you can bring to the discussion, to gain insight from others. Also have a think about stories you can share from your experiences that connect with the theme. There may be a short video to watch before attending – your diary invite will tell you more.


How do I book? Simply go into your ESR to enrol onto your chosen communities of learning session(s) or you can email Learning&OD@nwas.nhs.uk with your chosen communities of learning session(s) you’d like to book on.