Clinical Informatics Network (Online meeting via MS Teams)

Virtual - MS Teams

CPD hours 2 CPD hours KSF levels this event meets Core 4 / G2 / G5 - However, while the course  concentrates on these specific dimensions, there may be other elements of the programme that will contribute to the KSF. To download a copy of the KSF handbook click here Who should attend? Clinicians who work […]

Lunchbites: Microsoft One Drive Webinar

Virtual - MS Teams

For more information and to book onto this session please click link below: 

Supporting Our Neurodiverse Staff

Virtual - MS Teams

Neurodiverse conditions can impact individuals both within their personal and professional lives. This interactive workshop has been developed to raise awareness of neurodivergent conditions, the value of a neurodiverse workforce and to build the confidence of managers to hold effective “ways of working” conversations with their team members in order to help individuals to feel […]

Making a Difference: Leadership of Self

Estuary Point North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust, Garston Shore Road, Liverpool

‘Leadership of self’ is the first module of learning from the NWAS Making a Difference Leadership Programme. With a focus on our Be Think Do leadership philosophy and Golemans Emotional Intelligence model, this module looks at how your own beliefs, feelings and behaviours may impact you as a leader.  The module encourages self-awareness, self-reflection and […]

Paramedic Training in Adrenal Crisis Management

Zoom - Please see information

Addison's Disease Self-Help Group are running two free CPD sessions to attendees (subsidised by the charity) and take place on Zoom. They are an educational hour on Addison’s and adrenal insufficiency set in context with the JRCALC guidelines for emergency management. Each session is complemented by members’ own experiences, so alongside the theory you hear […]

Level 2: VAT in the NHS Intermediate – Income (Online course via Zoom)

Zoom - Please see information

CPD hours 3 CPD hours Who should attend? Level 2 is aimed at specialists in the particular field (i.e. estates officers, buyers) but is also appropriate for management accountants and supervisors and managers within financial accounts. Programme outline This programme will be delivered virtually via ZOOM.  It would be advisable to test that you are […]

Lunchbites: Microsoft Teams Webinar

Virtual - MS Teams

For more information and to book onto this session please click on link below: 

Level 2: VAT in the NHS Intermediate – Procurement (Online course via Zoom)

Zoom - Please see information

CPD hours 3 CPD hours Who should attend? Level 2 is aimed at specialists in the particular field (i.e. estates officers, buyers) but is also appropriate for management accountants and supervisors and managers within financial accounts. Programme outline This programme will be delivered virtually via ZOOM.  It would be advisable to test that you are […]

Level 2: VAT in the NHS Intermediate – Procurement (Online course via Zoom)

Zoom - Please see information

CPD hours 3 CPD hours Who should attend? Level 2 is aimed at specialists in the particular field (i.e. estates officers, buyers) but is also appropriate for management accountants and supervisors and managers within financial accounts. Programme outline This programme will be delivered virtually via ZOOM.  It would be advisable to test that you are […]

Level 2: VAT in the NHS Intermediate – International (Online course via Zoom)

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CPD hours 2 CPD hours Who should attend? Level 2 is aimed at specialists in the particular field (i.e. estates officers, buyers) but is also appropriate for management accountants and supervisors and managers within financial accounts. Programme outline This programme will be delivered virtually via ZOOM.  It would be advisable to test that you are […]

Level 2: VAT in the NHS Intermediate – International (Online course via Zoom)

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CPD hours 2 CPD hours Who should attend? Level 2 is aimed at specialists in the particular field (i.e. estates officers, buyers) but is also appropriate for management accountants and supervisors and managers within financial accounts. Programme outline This programme will be delivered virtually via ZOOM.  It would be advisable to test that you are […]

Level 2: VAT in the NHS Intermediate – International (Online course via Zoom)

Zoom - Please see information

CPD hours 2 CPD hours Who should attend? Level 2 is aimed at specialists in the particular field (i.e. estates officers, buyers) but is also appropriate for management accountants and supervisors and managers within financial accounts. Programme outline This programme will be delivered virtually via ZOOM.  It would be advisable to test that you are […]