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Digital: Digital Champions: dealing with resistance to change (virtual workshop being delivered via MS Teams)

March 24 @ 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Objective and Aims

This bespoke half-day workshop will provide an introduction to change management with a clear focus on reducing resistance by supporting individuals as they negotiate the impact of change using a range of practical exercises.

Learners will build an understanding of individual responses to change, intra-personal conflict and personal decision-making. They will explore why they and others respond to change in particular ways, including recognised trends and groupings, including the impact of change on team culture.

Through group discussion and tutor-led input , learners will identify a range of individual responses at each stage of the change curve and explore strategies for managing the individual or group responses.

By the end of the session, learners will:

  • Understand individual and group “think” in response to change
  • Recognise the difference between individual and workplace culture responses
  • Identify appropriate interventions and strategies
  • Understand how to provide support leading to sustainable change
  • Recognise how to challenge others with compassion and empathy

CPD hours

3 CPD hours

Who should attend?

Are you a Digital Champion?  This is an introductory workshop on Change Management for those whose role is to advocate for, support and drive the adoption of Digital Transformation within the NHS.

When is the event?

24 March 2025 (13:30 – 16:30)

Closing date for online bookings

3 March 2025

Where is the event?

Virtual workshop being delivered via MS Teams.


Ioda Ltd

Method of delivery

Virtual workshop being delivered via MS Teams.

How much does the event cost?

Free to attend for digital staff from Midlands organisations with a current Digital SDN membership.

Am I Digital?

We consider “digital” staff to be:

  • Professionals who work in a digital, data, technology or informatics team/role.


  • Professionals who use digital, data and technology to improve health outcomes.

Maximum number of Places


Cancellation policy

This event is being delivered by the Midlands Digital Skills Development Network.

Applicants will receive an email, approximately three weeks prior to the event, confirming whether they have secured a place.  Please ensure that this commitment is identified to your Line Manager and is in your staffing plans/rotas until the place is confirmed.

Please note, that it is the applicant’s responsibility to cancel a request/booking by the required deadline – and Line Manager’s responsibility by proxy in the event that the applicant is away from work and unable to cancel.

Cancellations within 7 days of the event and non-attendances will incur a £200 cancellation fee which will be invoiced to your organisation.  All cancellations should be made in writing to SDN@nottshc.nhs.uk

Substitutes can be made in writing to SDN@nottshc.nhs.uk (without charge) at any time prior to the event start date subject to the substitute participant meeting the event/programme criteria.

Declining the meeting invite is not sufficient notification.  We must receive an email for our records and as we have had instances where applicants have declined the meeting accidently but still required the place.

Link to full terms and conditions, including cancellation policy, can be found at https://www.skillsdevelopmentnetwork.com/terms-and-conditions-eastmidlandseventregistrations

Extenuated circumstances for late cancellations and non-attendance will be considered but we ask that we are notified of late cancellation/non-attendance reasoning as soon as possible.  We will notify the organisation’s DSD Lead of all late cancellations/non-attendances and the organisation will be invoiced.

Please note, that since substitutions are accepted at any time up to the event, we have a very limited list of approved circumstances.

Contact for further information

Any questions or queries, please contact:

Skills Development Network (East Midlands) and Midlands Digital Health Skills Development Network
e: SDN@nottshc.nhs.uk
w: www.skillsdevelopmentnetwork.com
t: @SDNEastMids
t: @MidsDHSD

Book here: NHS Skills Development Network (NHS SDN)