NWAS has teamed up with the University of Cumbria to create several ‘popular topic’ CPD sessions, the first to be launched is the ‘ECG Workshops’. Keep your eyes peeled for more sessions and topics being released soon.


ECG Workshop Information

The sessions have been designed to take the learner through the basics of ECG recognition and onward to understand more complex and subtle changes and cover the following learning outcomes:


Workshop One: Atria Dysrhythmias & Ventricular Dysrythmias, Acute Coronary Syndrome (Angina, STEMI/NSTEMI)

Workshop Two: Heart Blocks,  Nutritional Deficiency / Electrolyte Imbalances


To book your place, simply log into ESR and search for 242 CPD on your My Learning section. The courses are available for all grades of PES staff who undertake Resuscitation level 3 training, if you cannot see the course, you may not be eligible. Please contact ESR.LearningSupport esr.learningsupport@nwas.nhs.uk for more information.

The training will take place at The University of Cumbria, Lancaster Campus and are due to run as follows:


Workshop One – 8th & 9th October

Workshop Two – 6th & 7th November (please note, you will not be able to book/see this session until you have attended workshop one)


Each session has up to 40 spaces available and will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.


If you have any questions in relation to this training, please contact esr.learningsupport@nwas.nhs.uk for more information.