Developing the Confidence to Have Better Conversations

Confidence is the key to engaging, meaningful conversations. Whether you’re delivering bad news to patients, engaging in discussions at EDs, professional meetings, or having a 121 with your team, feeling self-assured in your ability to communicate can transform your interactions.

On this page, you’ll discover resources that include strategies to build your confidence, overcome anxiety, and develop the skills needed for more engaging and fulfilling conversations.

Learn how to handle difficult moments, express your thoughts clearly, and create genuine connections. Great conversations start with confidence.


Radical Candour Summarised

Radical Candor author and co-founder Kim Scott, breaks down the principles of Radical Candor in six minutes. Radical Candor is Caring Personally while Challenging Directly. At its core, Radical Candor is guidance and feedback that’s both kind and clear, specific and sincere.


How to Lead with Radical Candour

Kim Scott has cracked the code on giving valuable feedback in a way that builds genuine relationships, drives results, and creates positive workplaces. Her riveting talk explores the idea of adopting radical candor and how leaders create an environment of trust and innovation that fosters personal growth and professional development. Kim draws from personal experiences and examples, highlighting the transformative power of this leadership approach.

For more on Radical Candour see Radical Candor Podcast: Communication At Work.


Radical Transparency

Susan Scott is a best-selling author and leadership development architect who has enabled people worldwide to engage in vibrant dialogue with one another, with their employees, and with their customers for two decades. Here she talks about the power of transparency with people for better performance.

For more on Fierce Conversations see Susan Scott on Fierce Conversations – Unbeatable Mind.

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