Clinical Informatics Network Hybrid Event (held at Mercure Haydock or via MS Teams)
July 2 @ 10:00 am - 1:30 pm
CPD hours
2 CPD hours
Who should attend?
Clinicians who work in informatics or are interested to work in informatics. This could be nurses, AHPs, Pharmacists, Psychologists, GPs, doctors, etc. This forum is not aimed at CCIOs (or CNIOs) as there is already the CCIO / Directors network for this group of professionals.
What you will gain?
The purpose of this North West based group of Clinical Informatics Professionals is to network and share best practice as well as identify any training or development requirements they might have. You can find past agendas and slides on our website under ‘Organisational Development / Special interest groups’.
Programme outline
- Introduction
- Sharing experiences and best practice
- Presentations of specific pieces of ongoing work, achievements and challenges (10 minutes each) – please contact christinebanks@nhs.net if you wish to present
- Personal & professional development
- Future meetings
A detailed agenda will be circulated closer to the time!
When is the event?
2 July 2025 (10:00 – 13:30)
Closing date for online bookings
1 July 2025
Where is the event?
Mercure Hotel,
Penny Lane,
Saint Helens
WA11 9SG
Jacqui Cooper
Method of delivery
Hybrid Event at Mercure Haydock or MS Teams
How much does the event cost?
0 credits (Free of charge)
Maximum number of Places
Cancellation policy
Kindly provide adequate notice for all cancellation requests. For credit-based courses, a minimum of 10 working days notice is required for a refund, unless a suitable replacement is arranged. Should you need to cancel your enrolment, please reach out to vikki.hilton-greenhalgh@nhs.net or tony.haslam@nhs.net for further assistance.
Contact for further information
Any problems or queries, please contact vikki.hilton-greenhalgh@nhs.net