Day 2 PM Presentations

This page contains presentations from the day 2 PM session of the leadership review induction. Scroll down to view, or click any from the list below to jump to that presentation.


AIT Back to Basics

The attendance Improvement team back to basics presentation aims to provide an overview of the core fundamental management tools to effectively manage absence well within NWAS. This includes welfare calls, sickness reviews, Occupational health, return to work interviews, weekly absence meetings and manging long-term sickness. The presentation also looks at our current sickness levels and the impacting factors. 



This Wellbeing slide deck provides a high level overview of your wellbeing offer at NWAS, how you can promote the mental health continuum, engage staff in wellbeing conversations and signpost to wellbeing resources. Find out more on the Green Room or contact The Wellbeing Hub at

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