The Supporting Neurodiverse Employees policy is intended to provide guidance for the support and accommodation of individuals who are neurodiverse. The organisation recognises that neurodiversity is a natural and valuable part of human diversity and seeks to foster an inclusive and respectful workplace environment where all individuals can thrive.

Neurodiverse conditions can impact individuals both within their personal and professional lives. A new workshop called “Supporting our neurodiverse staff” has been developed to raise awareness of neurodivergent conditions, the value of a neurodiverse workforce and to build the confidence of managers to hold effective ‘ways of working’ conversations with their team members in order to help individuals to feel safe, supported, and able to perform at their best. Whilst the workshop is aimed at managers, it is available to all staff.

The workshop has dates available over the next 12 months. For further information, including how to book, visit the events page on the CPD & Learning Hub.

The CPD & Learning Hub also has a “Supporting Staff with Neurodiversity” e-learning module available to all staff. The module is for people with little or no knowledge of neurodiversity, to enable them to better support neurodivergent team members.