DATIX – Reporting a maternity & newborn incident / TRiM Referral
Why do I need to complete a Datix incident form?
When attending maternity related incidents it is important to complete an incident report form. This allows us to identify the types of incidents we attend. Within NWAS we have not routinely collected information on obstetric emergencies, therefore we have limited data on how we as a trust can tailor information / training to support staff and to ensure women, birthing people and families are receiving the best possible care. Since September 2021 we as a trust have added maternity specific codes into the Datix system to support you in reporting these cases. Reporting maternity incidents enable us to identify the types of jobs we get and to inform the wider maternity systems on the complexities of the pre hospital setting. Once completed, a member of the senior clinical team will review the content of the incident reported via Data and assign an investigator. The incident will be reviewed objectively enabling an acknowledgement of any learning points to enhance the care we deliver within NWAS.
TRiM assessment and proces
We have previously acknowledged the nature of maternity / neonatal incidents can be stressful and feel overwhelming. Evidence suggests that incidents that push clinicians to their limits of knowledge or ability are more likely to have an impact on their mental health. By the very nature of completing this training package you have reduced the chances of such an incident having an effect on you. However, it is likely that following such an incident you will be offered a TRiM assessment as a quick ‘check-in’ to ensure you access any support required. To mitigate the risk you could also talk to your peers about the incident (maintaining confidentiality), get plenty of sleep, try to exercise and eat well. All these elements will encourage your body to recover and turn the incident into a positive experience.